Maybe you have never heard of St Antonio Abad but this patron saint festivity, which is held every January 17, is quite popular in many Europeans countries. During that day hundreds of people flock to churches to ask this saint to bless their animals to keep them healthy and happy all year round.
This tradition started in the 14th century and it was popular among farmers and peasants who blessed their animals to keep them healthy. However, St. Anton loved and protected not only domestic animals, but wild ones as well. That is why churches are packed that day with dogs and cats, but so too with iguanas, cockatoos, ferrets, spiders… you name it. In Spain it isn’t uncommon at all for police officers to bring their horses or dogs, and even associations for the blind bring their beloved guide dogs to be blessed and protected. The blessing consists of sprinkling a few drops of holy water on their heads.

For many people this is a special day: not only they bless their pets so they are protected, but they also celebrate with them by sharing a special meal or a special walk.
Over the centuries the tradition has changed from place to place, and in some places – in addition to the animals’ blessing – they also gift with San Antón rolls (small circular loaves of bread) to all those who bless their animals. These small rolls are edible, but people rather keep them as a lucky charm and carry it with them in their wallet. It is said that if you carry one of these rolls in your wallet along with coins, you will never run out of money! We don’t know if it really works or not, but the truth is that for some reason these buns don’t break, expire or go moldy, and can live for years in your wallet.
In Stars in the Trash there is a statue dedicated to St. Anton in the Gothic quarter of the game, have you seen it? Maybe it would be a good idea to stop for a few moments to clean up on the nearby bench, or just admire the beautiful view.It is said that in this place artists find inspiration…

The latest from Valhalla Cats and things I found interesting this week:
- From our book channel on Discord: “Marvel just released Marvel Meow. It’s not a story. One to three page shorts, more art than anything, but still entertaining if you like cats and comics.” Thank SmollQuoll!
- This is the kind of art I love.
- Sadly Nora The Piano Cat passed away on the morning of Monday, February 5th. Rest in love dear Nora.
- Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, check Valentine’s Day Gift Guide for Cat Lovers 2024.
Thank you for your time. I hope you enjoyed the read.
Have a wonderful day,